Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Scaled Quail

Latin Name:  Callipepla squamata
Spanish common name:  Codorniz Escamosa
I really don't know very much about these birds except they are absolute experts at staying out of sight.  I know this because we rarely see them.

Today, I was actually watching the arroyo for a little fox I had seen yesterday.  My trusty, loyal dog was by my side.  Solo Vino saw the quail and took off like a shot - scaring them enough to make them run, but not nearly enough to make them fly.

They were a long way from me so you will have to look closely.  I was able to magnify one of them enough to get a fairly good look.  It appears Solo Vino and I caught a whole covey of young scaled quail.

To learn more click here.