Sunday, June 26, 2011

Canyon Towhee

Latin Name:  Pipilo fuscus
Spanish common name:  Rascador Arroyero

Whatever you might think about birds, you have to admit, these are about the cutest little guys you've ever seen.  I am almost positive they are Canyon Towhees, but these birds are cuter than anything I found on the Internet.  The ID give away is the dark spot on the chest.  Habits and general physical characteristics match perfectly.

If you have another idea about the bird's identification, let me know.
To learn more about this bird's closest relative the California Towhee, click here.
There are many pictures of Canyon Towhee on Internet, but they don't look like our birds.  For that matter, they don't look like each other.  It is very confusing.

Contact me with any ideas you might have about the birds ID.
No longer any doubt about their identification.  Still cute!