Sunday, July 3, 2011

Black Throated Sparrow

Latin name:  Amphispiza bilineata
Spanish common name:  Gorrion Gorjinegro
One of the most numerous songbirds in the
Perote Garden is the
Black Throated Sparrow.
Like most sparrows, they have a limited number of activities.
When they aren't scatching in the dirt looking for hidden tidbits,
they are hiding behind leaves singing at the top of their lungs.

In fact, they are one of our alarm clock birds. 
This little guy thought he would explore the
vineyard when Stanley left the gate open.
The good thing about bird net is that it keeps
most birds out of the vineyard.
The bad thing about bird net is that once the
birds get in, they can't easily find their
way out.
Stanley gave Mr. Sparrow a helping hand.

To learn more and listen to his song click here.